Be Strong and Courageous!



Thursday August 1st Equipment pickup (for Tackle only) 4:00pm to 6:45pm:  Auxiliary Gym in the CPC High School.

Flag Football (Age 5-7)

Practice two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday for the entire season. 

Games will begin the Saturday after Labor Day Weekend. 

Tuesday August 6th – First Day of Practice - CPC Elementary Field

Practice from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Games on Saturday.  1st Game will be on Saturday September 7th. (The Saturday after Labor Day Weekend)

Game Schedule TBD

Tackle Football - 89ers, PeeWees, Bantams, Juniors & Seniors

Practices will be Monday thru Thursday for the month of August.

Games will begin the Saturday after Labor Day Weekend.

Monday August 5th – First Day of Practice – CPC High School

Practice from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

We move to 3 practices per week after Labor Day weekend.  (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)

There will only be one Friday practice and that is on September 6th from 6:00 to 8:00pm. (Monday off due to Labor Day Weekend)

Games on Saturday.  1st Game will be on Saturday September 7th. (The Saturday after Labor Day Weekend)

Game Schedule TBD


The Jamboree is an event that is very important to attend. 

Jamboree Saturday August 24th

It is a scrimmage with two other teams and season weigh-ins.

Other Important Information:

Saturday Game Schedule usually comes out a week before the 1st game so please be patient. 

Labor Day weekend and Monday September 2th (Labor Day) are days off.

Tackle Football - 7 regular season games.  8th game will either be playoff game or survivor game.  9th game if your team makes it to the Championship game.

2 hours volunteer work required per family.

Year End Awards Banquet will be held Monday November 4th.

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