Be Strong and Courageous!


Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade

A great time of growth for these young athletes. Their understanding of the game of football continues to progress as does their athletic ability.

Brush white

Next Game

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Next Practice

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Game Results

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Our Coaches

PeeWees - Coach Kurt Roy PeeWees
PeeWees - Coach Ben Norton PeeWees
PeeWees - Coach Jeff Brooks PeeWees
PeeWees - Coach John Reynolds PeeWees
President, PeeWees - Head Coach Kevin Klar PeeWees
PeeWees - Coach Micah Mattson PeeWees
Brush sport blue dark

Team Roster

  • Position
  • Number

Schedule Information

Please see game and practice schedules below. This data pulls directly from TeamSnap.

Games Schedule

There are no future games entered into TeamSnap for this team. Please check back later or contact your coach!

Practice Schedule

There are no future practices entered into TeamSnap for this team. Please check back later or contact your coach!