Be Strong and Courageous!


8th Grade

The oldest players in the Junior Football program. These are the players who truly have come to love the sport of football and are maturing in their development. Their knowledge of the playbooks is very good and their overall techniques on how to block, tackle, catch and pass have developed.

Brush white

Next Game

There are no future games entered into TeamSnap for this team. Please check back later or contact your coach!

Next Practice

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Game Results

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Our Coaches

Seniors - Coach Richard Aquino Seniors
Seniors - Coach Ryan Prentice Seniors
Seniors - Coach Terry Wells Seniors
Seniors - Coach Bennett Whitsell Seniors
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Team Roster

  • Position
  • Number

Schedule Information

Please see game and practice schedules below. This data pulls directly from TeamSnap.

Games Schedule

There are no future games entered into TeamSnap for this team. Please check back later or contact your coach!

Practice Schedule

There are no future practices entered into TeamSnap for this team. Please check back later or contact your coach!